On Jan. 25, when our call center president announced that our team needed to reapply with our non-life business partner, whose account our team had been handling, I felt fear because of the uncertainty. We were nine in the team. Only eight slots were available. Whoever applied and eventually got rejected by the non-life company would be left with the call center but there would be no account to handle anymore. I held on to Jesus Forsaken and let him lead me through that uncertain time and the time of pain and bereavement that immediately followed when my partner, Tony, died.
This morning, I received formal notice from the non-life company that I was now hired together with six others. They were still choosing between the two other applicants. I felt relieved that I would not be losing my job, after all. But I felt bad for the two whose fate, with regard to their employment, was up to now still uncertain. I felt bad because I knew that somehow because I was accepted into the company, there was one less slot to fill. I felt helpless because it had to be one or the other colleague. There was nothing I could offer except prayers and good will.
A and C, I want you to know that I am lifting you up to God. He knows what is best for both of you. He alone knows what is going on deep inside your minds and hearts right now. I hope that you have left your fate in God's hands. You may not realize it right now but He has good plans for both of you and those plans will never be for naught. Just entrust everything to Him. Remember that when God asks you to close a door, it is because He wants you to open another. He only asks that you believe, that everything will be for the good of your souls. Please do not think that He does not shower favors upon you or that He is punishing you for things that you did or did not do. He allows things to happen for a purpose. Through prayer and if He wills it, you will understand everything that is happening and also those that do not happen in your life.
Use this opportunity to reconnect with Him, it is never too late while you are still alive to make of your life a constant prayer to Him. Be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in every moment in order to discern God's will for you in that particular moment.
I am at peace, now that I have lifted you up to God for He loves you much more than I could ever do. Be at peace, A and C and be secure in His love for you.
Your colleague,
Mae Ann
I pray that I may learn to deal with people of different temperaments. May I be more patient and kind to them and offer them service borne out of genuine love for Jesus Forsaken.
Image by kuyura in photobucket