Today is the first day of the rest of my post-nanowrimo 08 life. I hadn' t showed up at Yellow Cab Glorietta for the Pre-TGIO (Thank God It's Over) Celeb this afternoon due to something akin to jetlag. My body is drained of energy and it's battery charging is in progress. I still can't type on my keyboard without a typo error since my fingers and my arms feel like they've dissociated themselves from the rest of my body. But I feel high. It's a different kind of high that can last me 'til the next nano.
Here's a link you might want to visit to understand what I'm babbling about.
I dedicate my victory to all victims of abuse. This is for you. Just think that if I can do it, so can you. You may not write but if you've got the same spirit that moved me to put words together and make a story, you'll survive.
I dedicate my winner's badge, too, to my family and friends in church, in the office, at filipinowriter.com for their support and tolerance of my nanowrimo-state-of-mind.
Last but not least, I dedicate this to all who support and succor victims of abuse. Without you, I wouldn't be here. Here's my first post.
Mae Ann R
P.S. Please do what the box on your left tells you to do...for every abused man, woman and child. Join the anti-violence advocates.
Originally written on Dec. 1, 2008 at 6:31 pm