Last Sunday, the diocese of Cubao, where my parish, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal belongs, included the Oratio Imperata in all the Masses on that day.
Typhoon Ramil has been a threat to Northern Luzon for days and the faithful rallies against it through prayers including a special prayer in times of natural calamities.
Northern Luzon was hit by two successive devastating typhoons on the last week of September and the first week of October. Many lives and homes were lost.
May people in other parts of the world join us as we pray that we be spared from yet another inundation.
The Oratio:
Almighty Father, we raise our hearts to You in gratitude for the wonders of creation of which we are part, for Your providence in sustaining us in our needs, and for Your wisdom that guides the course of the universe.
We acknowledge our sins against You and the rest of creation.
We have not been good stewards of Nature.
We have confused Your command to subdue the earth.
The environment is made to suffer our wrongdoing, and now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference.
Global warming is upon us. Typhoons, floods, volcanic eruption, and other natural calamities occur in increasing number and intensity.
We turn to You, our loving Father, and beg forgiveness for our sins.
We ask that we, our loved ones and our hard earned possessions be spared from the threat of calamities, natural and man-made.
We beseech You to inspire us all to grow into responsible stewards of Your creation, and generous neighbors to those in need.
I am a child of God first before I am anything else. This blog is dedicated to all Catholics who want to join me in my struggle to lead a fully Christian way of life in the context of my being Filipino. This is also dedicated to non-Catholics who would want to know more about Jesus.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Filipino Catholic's Take On Climate Change (My Piece For Blog Action Day)

For Blog Action Day, I am suggesting that for us all to be united regardless of everything that divide us, let us concentrate on what we can do for earth, our home. Climate change is virtually on everyone's mouth nowadays. Quakes on this part of the world, flooding on that part. Anyone who would mistakenly admit to not thinking of climate change at least once this last week alone would probably be regarded as a relic who must have come from some ancient civilization.
In my corner of the world, the Philippines, where people died, lost their homes, loved ones and pet animals because of flooding, people are looking for someone to blame. Dam engineers, weather experts, the government, expert city planners all give Filipinos and those who care to know about happenings in my country , some things to think about. Debates on what should have been done and who was/were responsible are filling up TV screens. But the root cause of the problem, sad to say, is not adressed - climate change. It is as if people have resigned themselves to accepting that a terrible catastrophe has occurred. It was an act of nature - the rains that poured all its fury in just six hours (in the process exceeding a 1967 twenty-four hour rainfall), could only be understood as such. For a country steeped in Catholicism, God willed what had happened.
We have abused nature to the extent that nature could have filed a case against us in a court of law and won. God promised to Noah that never again shall He destroy mankind through flood. That is very reassuring to think about. Nothing happens on earth and in heaven that is not God's will. But there is also free will. He cannot stop you or me from polluting an entire city or province with our waste because of free will. But He does give us something along with free will - a choice. I choose to say my piece today on climate change because something that will impact the future of mankind is of great concern to me.
Thirty years from now, if I would still be alive (chances are, I would probably live past eighty just like almost all my relatives), I would like to be able to look around me and thank God for the trees and flowers (all natural), the chirping birds (not mechanical/electrical), for the food on the table, and for my long life. I really pray that The Day After Tomorrow and Waterworld remain just what they are - movies.
We have come together, participating in Blog Action Day, from all over, from all walks of life. Inspite of our differences, we dare talk about climate change. Can we unite for one lasting and lifeworthy cause and do our little share for planet Earth by giving pledges? Say you are a smoker, my friend, for you to give up right now is an awesome pledge. Think what a difference it makes if all smokers pledge to subtract three sticks from their regular pack. Or if one decides to walk the less-than-a-mile distance to and from the library or the church rather than bringing the car. Or if one becomes friendlier with the neighbors and starts a carpool. Or if one joins an organization like Greenpeace (like me) and find out more about how he can help our Home, that is giving a clear statement that you care about climate change. Later, the three sticks will be four, five, and the walk becomes longer. If one joins an organization like Greenpeace and is able to influence more people to the cause, we may yet save planet earth from destruction.
Today I pledge that I will go back to running as a sport before the year ends. Running from my house to the banks of Marikina River used to be a fond memory. In the aftermath of Typhoon Ondoy, from the news broadcast, I saw the banks where I used to run. Dead bodies, debris from homes washed away at Tumana, dead pets, fish were found on the banks.
I will go back to running. And while running, I will think of climate change, and I will not treat it as natural. I will always feel that I am partly responsible and so I will do my part. It is essential to my existence to believe that people in all parts of the globe are doing theirs.
Riverbanks photo on Flickr courtesy of Dan Saavedra
Submerged house and cars photo on Flickr courtesy of Edward Allen L. Lim
Blog Action Day,
climate change,
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